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MAB Musings on Moving to Nashville for Music

We are getting an enormous amount of people coming here weekly that are interested in being involved in the music business. And on Facebook and many other places, people are "quitting their jobs" (bad idea), to pursue their dreams. Well, there are ways to pursue your dreams but not go insane or broke. In my experience I thought I'd drop a few suggestions for anyone trying to do this. or interested people who are loved ones or supporters of those people.

In the overall business from the point of view of an artist or writer there are four sections to be aware of: #1. Creation of the song. #2. Presentation of the song (live and recorded) #3. Networking #4. Business

Ways to approach them.

#1. Creation of the song, Presentation, networking. Study songwriting and songwriters. Learn something about the history of music. In Nashville, there are numerous songwriters nights and open mics. Aside from the BLUEBIRD, which is the top of the heap but very difficult to get into, there are three places in particular you can visit, participate and see it face to face: THE COMMODORE LOUNGE Holiday Inn, West End Live music seven nights a week. Hosts Debi Champion and Rick Stewart are hosts. Go early. Meet them, hang out. Open mics are at the end of the night with early sign up. MAXWELL HOUSE HOTEL Rosa Parks Blvd. Lee Rascone' hosts Wed. and Thus. Invited only but great rounds every night. BOBBY'S IDLE Bobby's Idle Hour Live music every day. But particularly during SAM'S JAM'S with host SAM COOPER on Wed. Sam hosts multiple writers starting at 12:00-8:00. Invited but also open slots. Get there early and sign in. Also on Thus. nights with Janet Swain Cox and Charles Cox. Full night with guitar pull afterwards.

TEACHING OPPORTUNITIES Nashville Songwriters Association International. The only organization with multiple chapters worldwide. There might be one in your home area, go investigate and join. MUSIC STARTS Online resources for all the music industry. Teachers, events, total in town information. Also live events once a month like Tuesdays event at WORLD MUSIC. This is the one with the famous "DOAK" Doak Turner, Will Carter, and Adam Melcher. INDIE Vinnie Ribas has a once a month meeting and an online resource guide. The Producer's Chair, with host James Rea is once a month look at the producers who make the records in town. Multiple workshops around town. Including yours truly.

Recording services are everywhere, but my friend Jay Verne, at JAYS PLACE on 1513 17th Ave. S. is a wonderful studio and great place to drop by, meet the owner, view the facility and learn about the recording process.

There are many more resources in this town and people are generally willing to help others. Don't call this the "volunteer state" for nothing. But you have to have a place to start out and all of these, in my experience will give you the basic framework to take your next steps. If you start with one, you will find your steps as they present themselves. AS always, I am around to help anyone either through my own tours, workshops, or writings. For more information on me, Good luck and hope you find your dreams.

Marc-Alan Barnette

Home page of Marc-Alan Barnette, a music-related company from Nashville, TN. Originally from Birmingham Alabama, MAB had a career in the rock world of the 80’s with his band 24 KARAT, who won a National Battle of the bands contests…


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