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I’ve always wanted to record my own music and recently I really took charge of that. My music career started off independently, because I didn’t have a lot of people to reach out to for advice. So there was a lot of research involved when it came to grounding this dream into reality. I found a recording studio in Philadelphia which was really helpful during this time. I recorded my first E.P. there, but I liked the idea of being able to understand the production myself so I could have more creative control over the final product. I learned the basics as much as I could on YouTube, but it was difficult to grasp some of the more complicated topics without having one-on-one instruction. After a lot of trial and error, I went back to the studio and enrolled myself in an audio engineering course. I learned all the fundamentals of recording, mixing, and mastering, which was definitely a step in the right direction. It’s really encouraging as an artist to have physical evidence of your progress. I know that if I hadn’t put the effort into practicing more professionally, I wouldn’t have been able to create much more seamless productions in my eyes compared to my previous work.
During this time I’m working to release my first album, “Heart Expansion”. In the meantime, my music is available on all streaming platforms. You can check out that and more in the links below
hat is a big declaration you want to make known when it comes to your music?
I think my progress was proof to myself and others that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. Which might sound corny, but every time I realized that the power really is in your hands alone to turn your life around. It’s frustrating when you feel like the people around you don’t see your vision the way you do. And it can be disappointing when you pour your heart into something that doesn’t perform as well as you want it to. It can lead you to question yourself and want to give up. But these experiences were necessary, because they’ve taught me to keep fighting even when you feel like no one is listening. There’s a lot of freedom in self sufficiency, and it can be empowering to realize how much I’ve accomplished by myself. I’m beyond grateful to have gone through what I did because, while I’m still learning to become comfortable receiving, I will always have my strength and independence to guide me in the right direction.
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